The next installment of KFPL Live, Kingston Frontenac Public Library’s monthly speakers’ series, is entitled Designing an Edible Landscape. We are excited to host Joyce Hostyn from theRideau 1000 Islands Master Gardeners as she shows that whether someone has a small space or a large lot they can have a beautiful garden which will also provide them with nutritious food.
If you’re concerned with the amount of time and money we spend on maintaining lawns we don’t get much use out of, and which consume water and fuel in a wasteful manner, this talk is for you. With planning and a minimal investment you can convert all or part of a lawn into a green space which is both attractive and low-maintenance, but which can also help you lower your food bill and provide a habitat for wildlife. Even those with smaller spaces like a balcony or small flower bed will discover multi-purpose plants which are both attractive and edible. Planning with careful attention to your particular area’s climate, soil and moisture conditions is the key to designing a sustainable edible landscape.
The presentation takes place on Saturday, March 31, at 2:30 p.m. at the Calvin Park branch.
This event is open to all adults and teens, but seating is limited. To avoid disappointment, please register in advance. Registration opens online at and by phone at (613) 549-8888 as of 9 a.m. on Saturday, March 17.